Hello all!
So I just got done typing a very detailed e-mail when it so awesomely got lost before I sent it. I am so glad I wasted those last 40 minutes... here goes try two...
Please continue to tell me when your daughter will miss practice, and thanks to those who already have!
Practice will be 1-3, Tuesdays and Wednesdays at Action Cheer Gym. The address is:
31-330 Reserve Drive Suite B
Thousand Palms, Ca 92276
If you get lost, please call me. I have attached, to the e-mail a release form I must have signed on day 1 or your daughter will not practice.
Camp is August 1st-4th. There will be a 2 week break from the 5th- the 21st . Work week will be 3 days before my report date as a teacher. I hope to have the gym back by then! August 22, 23, and 24 will be longer days from 1-4 (location TBD.)
You must be athletically cleared prior to practice. All forms must be turned into Coach Armstrong in his office on campus. He will be there every week day from 8-12. If your last physical was after June 22nd and you were cleared last year you are able to practice. If it is dated past a year you are not. I will be e-mailing him and asking who has been cleared at the end of the week and again Monday. Many did not pick up a clearance packet, so please do so in the front office ASAP.
EVERY practice, the girls need to bring their cheer binder, and a water bottle. NO EXCEPTIONS!
We will be ordering less expensive camp clothing. I am getting the shirts designed locally and will let you know when I need to order those.
Please order the following items- ALL CHEER SHORTS MUST BE SOFFE Brand ONLY! I have listed a website below where they can be found cheapest. You can sometimes find them locally at Kohls or Big 5.
NAVY, MAROON, AND WHITE SOFFE SHORTS- please make sure they are big enough. I prefer baggy. Many of you need to go up a size, I am tired of seeing parts of your rear that I don't need to see :-) I will be letting your parents know who needs bigger shorts if I see they are too small.
NAVY SKORT (MUST be ordered here ONLY! )
EVERYONE will also need-
1. White short socks. No color socks will ever be worn with cheer clothing, unless they are our tube socks.
2. AN ALL WHITE SPORTS BRA. No colored, tagged, painted, bedazzled, bright, tacky, sports bras will be tolerated. if one is worn it can be seen through clothing and you will sit out, yes, even from camp!
TOTALLY OPTIONAL: the only shoes I allow to be worn to school with the uniform are cheer shoes. This year it will be optional to order silver glitter Toms. They can be found here:
Do not let your daughter say it is mandatory. It is optional and up to you. But, these and cheer shoes are the only options to wear with the uniform to school.
Last but not least- a note about Smith's Summer. I love cheer, and I love coaching. I also love having a Summer break as all other teachers do. I get one stipend for 12 months of cheer, and it is split in half so that I get paid in the Fall and Spring. I do not get paid for any Summer practice, work, or anything like that. I don't do this for the money, but I will be trying to enjoy my break this year. My house, my family, and my dog are kind of neglected. :-) That being said I will check my e-mail a few times a week. Please do not call me late at night, I often have calls at 11 or later, and please understand that I need a break too, or I might not make it through football season! Any cheer emergency going on I will respond to as timely as possible.
Thank you for your time and I will see you all soon!